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Chronic Pain

I use 5 basic steps to restore balance to your pain levels.


  1. History

  2. Trigger(s)

  3. Programming/patterns

  4. Neuroplasticity

  5. Next Steps


If you are suffering chronic pain, then it's like an alarm constantly going off which is totally exhausting! Providing you have seen your GP/Consultant, and they have said that all they can do is give pain relief, then I believe I can help you. Using a number of techniques, we'll work together to check whether the pain is still required or has served its purpose. It is a very straightforward process based on the latest neuroplasticity techniques.


I have used it very successfully in many other areas; phobias, weight loss, allergies like Hayfever, Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia/M.E etc.


My sessions are NOT a substitute for medical diagnosis, assessment or treatment and when addressing pain, these techniques are not usually used for acute pain; although I have used it pre-op to achieve reduced pain

levels after the operation to a manageable level.


It is very important that before you book an appointment with me, you:

  • have been diagnosed by a medical professional who has prescribed or suggested only pain relief or pain management ie there is no more they can do to help,

  • can 100% say you want to be rid of the long-term pain you are suffering and

  • have had this specific pain for more than 12 weeks


For more information

email me:

Jan Mathers
Pain Reduction Consultant

My Mission:

My mission is simple; I want to help as many people out of pain as I can, as quickly as I can.


Online sessions available

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